Our Journey Through Infertility

Monday, July 12, 2010


Dear God,
I wanted to say I'm sorry for my attitude for the last few days. I know that it's OK to be mad at You but the way I handled my anger was not. You see Chris and I want a baby so desperately. A biological baby at that. We have already had one failed IVF cycle (after 2 years of trying) and I'm afraid that this last one might be too. Not because You're not capable of allowing it to work but because it may not be in Your will. God I beg of you to allow this IVF cycle to work. I am pleading with all that I have for You to give us a biological child and to allow this to work. I know that even if it doesn't work that You are still God and You are still on Your throne. I know that You won't be surprised by what happens, good or bad (in our eyes), and that whatever happens is Your will but God again I come to you and ask you to open my womb and bless us with the children we have been longing for. Thank you for all the people that have been praying for us and have loved on us during this difficult time. We know that they are sent by you and really thank you isn't quite adequate enough but it's the best thing I know to say. At times when we couldn't pray for ourselves they were praying for us and have been praying with us. Thank you for allowing me to be a child of God because I know that if I wasn't I would surely not have gotten through the heart ache that still comes and goes from knowing the last IVF failed. I love you and I know You love me more than I can understand.


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