Our Journey Through Infertility

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Surprise gift

My husband, Chris, attended a bible study a few weeks ago when he was off one Friday morning. Apparently he shared with that small group of men what was going on in our lives. A week later the guy that he went to bible study with called and said he had an envelope from one of the guys at the bible study. Chris went and met our friends and got the envelope. When he got home he showed it to me. A guy he had only met once and I had never met felt led by God to contribute monetarily towards our efforts at expanding our family. I couldn't believe it. I knew where it had come from (God) but I couldn't believe that He would lead someone to help us in that way.
Today I was thinking about children and even though I had seen God provide n that way I was thinking, "If our second attempt at in vitro doesn't work how in the WORLD will be able to adopt???" Why is it that I limit my God, a God who can do anything?? He is perfectly capable of working out the details. I know that he will because He did not give me the strong desire to be a mom and Chris a dad if He did not plan on fulfilling that desire somehow. Even though God has many times provided for Chris and I, not just monetarily, I still have difficulty fully trusting He has everything under control and can handle EVERYTHING. Why is that? My desire to control things I believe. I look at situations with my human eyes and with those there are many things that seem WAY to big to handle. But if only I would look at things through God's lenses I would see that nothing it too big for Him to take care of.

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